Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hello all of my faithful ladies and laddies! Did you miss me? D'awwwww, I knew you did. SO! I have had some cray-cray seven days, let me tell YOU. Firstly, I made a new best friend! Wait for it.. Waaaaait for it... ON A ROLLER COASTER. His name is Dalton, and he is one of the coolest cats I know. Dalton, Cameron, Livvie and I rode the Kamikaze, and Dalton kept screaming that he would go to war for me. XD This kid is crazy, folks.

That was last Saturday. On Tuesday, I went to Oklahoma to drop off my last horse, BJ. I'll miss him, but we can't take him where we are going. OH! Did I tell you I'm moving!? I am. From Middle-Of-Nowhere-Terrell to Richy-Rockwall about 20 miles closer to the rest of the world. We are gonna live in a rent house while our OTHER house is being built. Fancyyyyyy!

On Friday, I wore "happy colors" to co-op, because of a deal I made with my best friend. Marshall wore shorts, I wore "normal clothes", instead of my band hoodie and skinnies. See, Marshall NEVER wears shorts, and I would occasionally like to see his legs. I just want to be sure he secretly doesn't have prosthetic legs, or you know.. Hooves...

ANYWAYS, I have started writing again. I took a break from it, because I didn't have time. Now I finally have a few minutes every now and then, so I've been working on some really really bad poems. Seriously, they're horrible. BUT, I'll let y'all read one. Tell me what you think(: 

Always Greener, Huh?
 The power, the beauty, the money, the fame,
Don't think, just play the game.
The lights, the rules, the loss, the shame,
One day you're free, the next you're chained.

The friend, the enemy, the top, the base,
Run faster, you can't lose this chase.
The corruption, the lies, the war, the waste,
Didn't you promise yourself just one more taste?

OH! I keep forgetting. Here is yooooour...

QUESTION OF THE DAYYY!: What is the weirdest way you've made a friend?

I gotta say, meeting one a roller coaster, then talking to him while riding another one is pretty beast. Let me know guys! Thank you all so much for reading, I love you all so much!

Fatty G.M <3

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