Whoever said that real tennis was anything like Wii Tennis, better watch out. They have a target right between their eyes, and I have a 9mm with hollow points. My mother ("Bossy K") decided that we needed a family sport. Tennis didn't seem too hard, so that's what we picked. Well, we were DEAD wrong about THAT one. We went out to the park, and then proceeded to play on the tennis courts. My father (Dougy D) tried to teach us how to hit the ball, and not ourselves, but it ultimately did not work out that well.. My sister ("Little M") is 9 and she was the best out of all of us, other than hitting herself in the head with the racket.. Twice... My brother ("Dolphin Boy") was.. more challenged. I think he hit the ball 7 times in the entire 3 hours we played. Well, I got tired of hitting thin air and watching the ball hit Little M's face, so I decided to run around the park. Now, I have a history with birds. We do not get along, and frankly I just don't care for them. Last time I had an encounter with them, I tripped in my high heels, and twisted my ankle. It swelled to baseball size, I had to be on crutches for weeks, yada yada yada. WELL. This time, I merely looked up at a passing flock of pigeons, tripped over a curb (in front of cute, muscular guys, I might add), and AGAIN twisted the same ankle as before. I. Can't. Win. BUT! This time, I refuse to be on crutches anymore, so I am walking around with an ankle the size of a small cantaloupe. It's gorgeous colors, too. So, at the end of the day, you can always count of me to find someway to injure myself severely.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your favorite sport? Chess Boxing? Toe Wrestling? Camel Racing? I'd love to know!
- Love,
Senorita Fatty Grande McGee <3
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