Monday, March 26, 2012

Forever Alone: Expert Level

Hey you guys! I'm so so sorry about not blogging recently! So much stuff has been going on, and I've had NO time. Thanks for being patient!

 So, today marks my 4 month anniversary of being single! Whoo. Yes, on this day 4 months ago in December, I became single after almost 8 months in a relationship. You may be thinking, "Wow Fatty, bummer! It must have legitly sucked!" And actually, you are SO right. Break ups suck, people. It's never any fun for either side. BUT, contrary to popular belief, you DO get over it. It took me a few months to get over my relationship, but it did happen! It's not the end of the world, I promise. Been there, done that, and only the Twinkies survived.

So here I am, still single, while he has a girlfriend. I'm not bitter, or even remotely close to upset with him though! I honestly hope he's super happy, and we still talk, and have managed to stay friends after a messy ending. However, when I found out he had a girl, it got me thinking. I thought,"Wow, Fatty. Are you THAT undesirable?!? He has a girl within a few months, and you're at home eating Doritos and watching re-runs of Psych with Little M." And I came up with a pretty good excu- I mean... Uhhh... Answer. I'm not totally undesirable, just picky!

Like, my man has to have nice hair, a good sense of humor, and he has to be as crazy insane as I am! It's not that I don't just LOVE being single (heavy sarcasm), I just want to wait and find the right guy. Maybe not to get MARRIED to, but to at least spend a long time with. I don't want to waste my time with some jerk, or someone I don't love more than Ashton Kutcher's hair.

SO, all my single ladies and laddies, here is... YOUR QUESTION OF THE DAY (Horrible singing voice, AKA, Justin Bieber's voice)

What is you favorite and least favorite part of being single?

My favorite part is the freedom. I can flirt with all the guys I want, and not commit! I know, I know, I'm horrible. But trust me, it's a double edged sword. On the other hand, I also hate the fact that I don't have one guy that I can call mine, and who can be my best friend. Ironic, right? Comment or Facebook me your answers! I had to delete my Facebook account because I kept getting spam, but I'm going to make a Like page soon! Thanks for putting up with me, I love all you guys!

 Senorita Fatty Grande McGee <3

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