That title is annoying right? Right. It was to prove a point. The reality is, some facebook users have no perception of funny/interesting/half-way smart statuses. Such as these few:
The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Daily-Life User// SERIOUSLY. We. Don't. Care. "Just woke up!" (Good for you! Now go shower, you look like you got hit by a van.), "Eating oatmeal!" (Really, that's the best boring breakfast food you could think of to eat?), "Bored at work" (I SO hope your boss reads that.), "Traffic is at a stand still. MOVE IT!!!" (THAT is what you get.) Yes, you have 473 friends, NO they do not want to read that your bored, because if they're on Facebook, they probably are too.
The omgzzzz..!! User// "omg!!!!!!!!ky wuz al gurl u havta chil && i wuz al u mak m sad i h8 u.,!".... Am I the only one who BARELY understood that? People, SPEAK ENGLISH. Or Spanish. Or SOMETHING we can Google Translate! There's "Spanish" and "Latin" and even "Yiddish." However there is no choice on Google Translate that says "Stupidity."
The Obsessive Inviter// "Play Paradises Life with me. Which 'Star Wars' character are you? Here are
the 'Top 10 Number One Song.' Here are '25 Things About Me.'
Here's a drink. What drink are you? We're related! I took the 'What Movie Are You?' quiz and found out I'm Limitless! What Movie are you?" STOP THE MADNESS. If I wanted to play a game, or take a quiz, I would. I confess, I have sent requests, BUT, then I realized how idiotic it was and promptly stopped. The world should do the same.
The Self-Promoter// You know who I'm talking about. The ones who ALWAYS post about their achievements, their fascinating article about the movie Glitter, their poetry reading, AND their "amazing dog walking skillz" <-- Actual Facbook Post. It makes you seem shallow and self- centered. Just sayin'
SO! That was my rant about Facebook Users. By the way, I'm gonna start doing a Question of The Day thing at the end of my blogs. Facebook me or Comment and tell me: What is YOUR biggest pet peeve about Facebook?
-Senorita FattyGrandeMcGee
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