Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wish Not, Want Not

So I got to thinking. And you know when THAT happens, it's never a good sign. I was thinking, about how many things we take for granted. Nice clothes, music, parents. It's never a good thing to stop remembering how lucky we are to even have been born. I am extremely grateful for everything I am given, and everything that has happened to me. Good or bad, I am thankful for the experience. So many people are ignorant at how much they really have, and all of the people that love them. I thank God that I have so many people that love me, and care about me. You should to. Cause I love you. I might not even know you, but I do. I hope you realize that, yes, you are loved, you should be thankful for everything you have, and to appreciate what is given to you. Don't take this life for granted. <3
- Senorita FattyGrandeMcGee

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