Saturday, April 7, 2012

The difference is, one is spelled "B-R-O-'-S", the other is spelled"T-R-O-U-B-L-E"

Hey, what's up babe? So I have something to say. You know me, I can't keep my mouth shut about anything with this whole Attention Deficit thing I got goin' on here. I had a dispute with someone the other day. We'll call them, "Nameless" for now. Well, Nameless was gettin' all up in my grill about how I associated and hung out with mainly guys. How it was "weird", and how I should "just choose one guy" for a boyfriend. Nameless was also dissing my "guy friends." UH, no. Hold up, there.

Firstly, Nameless, they are not "guy friends," they are my BRO'S. Bro's, spelled B-R-O-'-S. Not boyfriends, which is spelled T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

Secondly, NO ONE, and I mean no one, disses my bro's. You can call me anything you want, I don't care. But, DO NOT talk smack about my bro's. From my crazy-fro Marshall, to my Hunger-Games-Loving Alex, I love all of my bro's to death, and I know they love me too. I'm a little iffy on Alec though, since he won't let me wear his blue jacket. BUT, I digress. I've always got their backs, and I know they've got mine.

Thirdly, I am perfectly fine being single. I love it most of the time, and if I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't be as close to my bro's as I am! I can be my weird, crazy, sometimes gross self around my bro's, and not worry about if my hair is perfect, or if my make up is smudged. I love their little quirks, and when they treat me like I'm not just a chick, like I'm a bro too.

So, that was my little rant, I hope you found it amusing. Nameless, can't wait to see you later, baby! ;) Thank you guys so much for putting up with me! I love you!

Love <3

-Senorita F. G. McGee

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