Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day? I wish, bro.

Heyy, whats up babe?? Today is April Fools day, for those of you who did not know because you live under a rock! I woke up this morning all prepared for my father Dougy D to go all out. Grease the toilet seats, put glasses of water on the door tops, maybe even move the furniture around! He's THAT immature at 49 years old, people. BUT, alas, there was no pranking this year! :( We were all so busy yesterday, that no one bothered to do anything today! Oh well, more time to plan for next year.

I have an AMAZING idea that you'll just have to wait on. Trust me, it's GOLD. (; So what are we doing instead of April Fools Day? MOVING. Yeah, not as much fun. We cleaned gutters, yards, sheds, trailers, AND barns. My hand and arms are KILLING me after weed-eating for the first time(And for all you carnivores and stoners, no pun intended). PLUS, I have blisters galore.
On a side note, I now have a Google+ profile! Find me Here<3! Thanks for your awesome support, guys! I love you all!

 Senorita Fatty Grande McGee <3

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