Friday, April 6, 2012

Wild Chickens are attacking erryone. Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife!

Heyy, what's up babe?? You would not believe the day I've had. Okay, let me start from the beginning. It was a warm, sunny day in the middle of no where, AKA Terrell TX. I was supposed to go to the library, but SOMEONE decided all libraries within a 20 mile distance should be closed. So spent the ENTIRE DAY with my mom, Bossy K. AGAIN. Why? I'm home schooled. Yeah, welcome to my world.

We went out to eat at a sushi bar, and she got on to me about being a vegitarian. She goes, "Well, you can eat this chicken egg roll! The chickens probably weren't cooped up, they were WILD chickens!" And my well thought out response, "Mom... There are no such things as 'wild' chickens... Have you ever heard of wild chickens roaming through the grand canyon? Or how about how wild chickens terrorize LA??" Even the guy eating at the table next to us was laughing.

Later this evening, Bossy K, Little M, and I went to Ben Gill Park to work out. Afterwards, I saw this one guy that I recognized. The last time I went to the Terrell Library, he sat across from me for 4 HOURS. I saw him today as I was driving from the park to the car wash. I had told Bossy K and Little M about it, and as we were driving past him, Little M leaned out the window and screamed, "HEY MISTER!" My mom lost it. She was laughing so hard, the SUV was moving up and down, like a ghetto car. I sped up as fast as I could, my face red as a tomato.

When we got to the car wash, I ask my mom if I could wash the car, since I had never one it before by myself. Well, APPARENTLY, the machine has a timer. I put the money in, and press the buttons, then turn around and hear beeping. I freak out, thinking I activated like, a bomb or something! Little M come out of the car saying, "Sweetheart, sweetheart, it's OH-KAY." I shrug it off, "Psht, I... I know that..." So then I start rinsing the car. I haven't pulled the lever to make the water spray harder, so I'm all "Okay, I can do this." NO. No no no no NO. I pull the lever juuust a little bit, and I'M the one who goes flying backwards. This proves how little body strength I have.

 So, after running a few miles, and being thrown around by a water hose, I think I'll call it a day. Thanks for reading you guys I love you all a ton! <3

 Senorita Fatty Grande McGee <3

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